One day "Calamity", an explosion in the sky, granted superpowers to men and women at random known as Epics. Without any warning, these Epics take over parts of the country (USA). Epics kill those who resist (or looks at them funny) and subjugates everyone else. The most powerful of them all, Steelheart, reigns supreme in Newcago.

Not bending the knee are The Reckoners. A group of "humans" who will not abide by the atrocities that these Epics have wrought. They hide, plan and kill off the Epics that they can. See, every Epic has a weakness. Some can be killed normally yet some seem impervious to harm until you find their "kryptonite".
The story follows David, an ordinary teenage boy who is obsessive compulsive about Epics. When David was 8, he saw the murder of his father by the Epic known as Steelheart. Steelheart is invincible. Bullets, explosions, fire...nothing! can harm him. Yet the moments before David's father died, Steelheart was grazed by a bullet that David's father had fired. He has a weakness...but what caused that weakness?
As I said, this is the most enjoyable book I've read this year. While teaching, I don't have a lot of time to read yet I read this in a few days. The story moves along at an extreme pace, there is no dull chapter and you are constantly guessing what Steelheart's weakness could be. I knew it was Sanderson, so it wouldn't be anything obvious as the man has a knack for surprise. The subtle twists of Epics having weaknesses is great. I hate Superman (the character) because he's invincible and by making Epics having weakness really balances them out.
Although the story in the book only spans a month or two, you do see David's character grow. He starts off obsessed and starts to realize there are other parts of life worth enjoying as well. Seriously...after my ramblings how could you not go out and get Steelheart?
Check out Laurentius' review as well if you are not convinced! Oh and we have two copies of Steelheart to giveaway, so you can make up your own mind! ^_^
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks to Hachette NZ for providing an ARC of Steelheart to be reviewed and for giving us a copy to giveaway!